I had such a fantastic time in Toronto & Monday was too much fun at the Bella store - THEY HAVE SO MUCH STUFF!! When I flew to Toronto my suitcase seemed so light; not so much when I came home & I had all my new rubbah in my carry on in case my suitcase went MIA!!

This is a picture of all of us at the store - it was so nice of all the girls to drive there in the pouring rain (disclaimer for my hair!!) to see me & Karen was a nice surprise for all (of course I knew she was coming!!) The first picture is of Janet, myself, Karen, Miche and down in front is Leslie (who refuses to start a blog)
The next picture has us plus Em and Nicky - oh they are the sweetest!! We tried to get Ryan and Dina in the pictures but they flat out refused!!
OK now while I was there Em took a picture of this weeks inspiration so you still have time to check it out and then email her your card by 5pm EST tomorrow; remember some one's gonna win bella bucks.....

Finally that's me & my BFF; yep we are always that happy to be around each other!!

It's snowing here (I should have stayed in TO!!) so I will be home this afternoon unpacking and finding home for my new stuff - I will have something to show you tomorrow I promise!!
HOW FUNNNNN!!! One of these days I too shall visit Bellaland!
:) we rock!! lol it was great to see ya!!!
YOU DIDN'T!!! YOU DID NOT!!! You seriously came to Toronto and didn't call/email/message me?
Unreal! Going to pout in a corner now...(but I still love you)
We did have the best time, despite the rain. I LOVE that photo of you and Karen! Miss you already - see you should have stayed here a bit longer, we're going to have a spectacular weekend with temps in the mid 20's!!!
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